Saturday, January 31, 2009


And that's a rap. No fancy pictures or dramatic finishes. I definitely came through late in the 12th round for a knockout. I almost had to go the distance and shouldn't have had to go the distance.

I'm not really as bruised or as beaten as I thought I'd be. Good thing.

Remember me talking about remnants of the better me? Well they came through tonight. Total time 5.5 hours and my paper's reading better than pretty much any journalistic piece I've written in four years. Prolly since my Powder days. I really thought I was screwed for a minute.

I've done so much in January it feels like Obama got elected two months ago and I was at Baker doing my story last season. Man...

This morning I got to finish dumping the rest of the $1,400 into the Subaru over the past ten days. What fun. But it's over.

He's down for the count. I beat January.

I'm officially 1-0 vs. 2009.

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