Saturday, March 7, 2009

How It Really Happens

Fighting an opponent in the ring is the easy part. You just train and get experience fighting. Well maybe I've simplified things a bit, but it's not too far off. This is the simple recipe for winning fights.

But what about being a winning fighter?

Some people just do and others do not. And, like many other great fighters, I've been mislead - yet again.

The failure is o.k., but its recurrence is not. And the failure has happened again.

People know the Champ is a strong and talented fighter and they cannot win in the ring. That's why most attack from outside of the ring. You don't see our opponents face-to-face the same way out here.

These are the things that happen behind closed doors without you, but have everything to do with you . Knowing these things are happening before they affect you is good. Preventing them is absolutely required.

This issue requires a different kind of training. This requires me to think beyond what I have done before, and while I still have time.

These last rounds have been intense - I've taken a beating. But - I'm winning my fights. Now the politics and the fans.

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