Friday, March 5, 2010

Mission Accomplished

I was there. Well, I was there at one point, just not when this photo was taken. My mission (getting the hell off that "cursed steel") was actually accomplished days before they departed on what turned out to be a 10-month deployment and one of the biggest black eyes in American history.

Good call eh?

Lucky is more like it. And tonight I'm calling mission accomplished one more time and hoping for some good ol' luck.

Just like in my endless boxing references, this one was more grueling and long than it was glorious and exciting. The fight I'm talking about tonight certainly isn't my finest. In my own defense, this is likely one of the most difficult opponents I've agreed to step in the ring against. I'm not sure if I didn't condition myself enough or what, but I'm certainly not pleased with my performance - even if I win the decision once the judges name it.

You'd think I've come so far from those mundane and petty days on the USS Abraham Lincoln. This stuff should be easy, but it's not. It's not easy at all. It all gets more difficult the more I want it. One of two things happens every time and I'm not sure why either does. I either get so much motivation and energy I win at all costs or I get paralyzed with fear and just can't put in the work needed to win and just stand there. After the first hard hit, I go numb and don't start feeling again till I've long lost the fight.

Let's hope I just get lucky with this one because I got scared and intimidated. The champ went the distance, but was it good enough?

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