Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Breaking News:

Are we there yet? I think so. What a day.
As many of you know, I've been waiting for my shot for what seems like a lifetime. In all fairness, I've had my shot several times. You could say it just wasn't my time yet, but I know why it didn't work out.
My first departure from the Navy left me unfulfilled and poised to fail - honestly. The stress of no money, the mess around my internship, school, unemployment, having the kid, no medical insurance, the car blowing up (x3 for a $6,500 total over the last three years), Tahoe and 75-hour work weeks w/ 3 hours of sleep every night, Boreal, my column at the weekly and finally here in Hoquaim - it's been an incredible road.
I feel confident saying I don't know anyone who's been what I've been through to be in this line of work. It hardly pays, but that's not why I do it. It's not my means of living. When everyone else fell through, Freeskier came through with my first contract for stories - all expenses paid with gear coming out my ears and finally some money. My skis and annual gear wish list from Armada arrive tomorrow. I'm officially back in the Navy and school is looking up. My work study is still there and flexible and we should have medical again in less than two weeks.
If you're tuning in for the first time at this entry, you've missed a lot - so much more than I ever expected. I risked so much more than I anticipated when I started all this five years ago.
All the romance is gone on this occasion. Not like the late nights at Powder or intricate knowledge of Armada's line a year in advance with all the free skis and tickets I could stand - or the prestige of public relations director. This is solid. No romance and no lights. It's what should be and I made it happen.
Savannah convinced me to go back to school last year. She asked me how many more times something awesome would come across for me. At that point, I was sure it never would. And the next year kept me believing the same thing.
Family, Navy, school, Freeskier... Makes me think of a post I had no more than two weeks ago about killing yourself by not getting stronger. You know - overload where you start hurting yourself rather than getting stronger.
Well I'm stronger than ever and looks like there were a few more opportunities left - I'm stronger and more prepared than ever to make the most of them.

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