Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pardon me...

from having to watch the Sarah palin show yet again. You know - the sitcom where that wanna-be politician commits political suicide everyday... Yeah that's the one.
Yesterday's episode had our fair unelected VP candidate partaking in an annual ritual usually held for the actual US President. Usually our country's leader light-heartedly pardons a turkey from "certain death" just before Thanksgiving and eveyone's supposed to laugh. Ol' Sarah decided she was on the same level as the president and saved an Alaskan turkey - FAIL! She was successful though - we all laughed. Just then the media takes complete advantage of her ignorance by showcasing her stumbling through the PR stunt w/ more idiotic ramble. It's all haha fun until you see what's going on in the background. Now just because she's clueless doesn't mean it's o.k. to exploit her in this manner. I'm throwing two flags on the play - unsportsmanlike conduct and unnecessary roughness.
Make not of her backdrop - because it's news. Don't blow it out of proportion by showing three minutes of turkey slaughter before Thanksgiving. Two wrongs here make the governer just Poor Sarah again - and make her message of the media beating her up a little more believable.

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