Sunday, August 2, 2009

Take it on the Chin

There's something to be said for picking your battles. It's an art - and a particularly painful one.

The fundamental idea behind this for me is achieving my goals w/out making it more difficult than it has to be. Picking your battles is a very simple idea, but a very difficult action. It requires you to trade long-term drama for a short ass kicking. Just when it's done pummeling your pride, it's time to start on your confidence and finally your mindset. And that's where your inner strength has to come through.

The idea is to take the hit right on the chin - effectively defying your life-long training to avoid this kind of stuff. I've seen this work for a lot of people so I'm trying it.

Here's how it's supposed to go - you let the person spend their energy trying to beat you down while you start looking beyond them. You walk right by them once they're out of energy. This is the point where you hope all your preparation and training comes through. It's a new and different approach for me.

After all, wasn't it Einstein who said doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity?

1 comment:

Chris Mobley said...

Its about where you put your self worth. Is your worth wrapped up in the altercation with another individual? Are you less because they are not playing well with you? Or do you draw your worth from something separate of this individual? I find when step back from the situation that there is always much more to me than my relationship with any one person. Comes with lots of practice and its still not always easy but well worth the effort. Enjoyed the post.