Thursday, December 24, 2009


I've always enjoyed studying history. It's the story of existence. Everything we know can only be relearned by studying history. It's fascinating - especially when it's true.

Here's a recent post from a former history teacher of mine. It's perfectly fitting considering all the perceived truths surrounding Christmas. Everyone in the world can celebrate one universal theme no matter what you believe - spending time with loved ones and taking at least one day out of our busy lives to share joy.

Here's what Joe Cavalli has to say about it:

"Sol Invictus! Happy Birth of the Sun...The date affixed to the birth of Jesus has varied and still does. Early Egyptian Christians celebrated Christmas in April, and the Armenian Church still rejects the 25 December date in favor of 6 January (Epiphany). - The most popular ancient Roman festivals were Saturnalia (1-2...3 Dec) and the Birth of the Sun, 25 Dec. celebrated by those in the Cult of Mithra.

In a pragmatic move, 4th cent. Pope Julius I set the birth of Jesus on the same day as birth of the sun. - The first religious nutjobs, not the last in America i.e., Puritans, banned Christmas since there is no mention of the date of Jesus' birth date in the Bible. St. Francis Assisi gets credit for inventing the Nativity scene and St. Boniface was... See More first to cut down the god Thor's tree(yule). Martin Luther revived the popularity of the pagan Yule tree. Don't forget to thank a pagan today. Most of our Christian traditions, dates and celebration originate with them. Merry Christmas."

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