Monday, May 17, 2010

ReKindling Things

I am a journalist.

Whether it's on reporting side or the delivering side (PR), I love it!

Novels are boring, text books terrorize me and anything aside from a newspaper or magazine hasn't held my attention for more than a few hours at a time with little exception. Then came along the interweb.

It certainly appeared my style of reading was the way of the future as news and condensed information became the way of the web and how people not only got their information, but began to prefer the information. The pinnacle (thus far) is Twitter. But that's probably only till people get good enough at graphic art to skip language as a whole. Just looking down the line a bit.

In the meantime, I've found Kindle and other ebooks. I think this could be the meeting ground.

I prefer to read my news and such online or a computer and now I can subscribe like I used to. I can also download information to my computer and phone and kill time learning. This is the most exciting thing for me since even getting my iPhone.

Let's put it this way - I just bought my first real book outside classroom requirements in five years. Bring it!

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