Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Big Test

I was sitting here in my Navy Lodge hotel room last night with no internet on this computer. In a move of complete desperation, I turned to the television. Rather than watch The Godfather III on AMC, which I was a bit too tired to jump into, I turned to UFC on Spike.

As many of you know, this is anything but normal for me. But it got me thinking about life and going the distance again. These two fighters were pummeling the hell out of each other. It’s really brutal, but I found some respect for both of them because there’s a certain dedication involved with trudging on.

And it’s that very reason I’m writing this morning. I don’t want to write. I’m fresh out of ideas. My give-a-damn’s depleted and that jeopardizes a lot - just like if there were an opponent waiting for this kind of vulnerability to take a shot.

Sometimes fighters just keep going because they know exhaustion is temporary - as is the pain.

Relative to the UFC, suddenly cranking out words on a page suddenly doesn’t seem like too much of a challenge.

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