Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mr Fix It

You'll notice I'm not skiing in this picture taken at Crystal Mountain yesterday.

And after four days of skiing this season - I won't be skiing for at least another month.

That's because I'm headed for the hospital and knee surgery #3. Trust me when I say there are better hobbies than counting your knee surgeries.

This is my pledge to myself and every other poor sap who's had to deal w/ me being too out-of-shape to ski with.

I'm not only going to do all of my physical therapy, but get into shape in the process. Honestly, there are a lot of other people who have injuries and machine their way through rehab. Why haven't I?

So Dr. Helpenstell is going to fix my knee and I'm going to fix the rest.

Now everyone knows why I'm going to be a bit out of touch for the next week or so.

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