Thursday, December 4, 2008

So Are Your Cars Still Going to Suck?

Has anyone considered the main reason no one wants to own any of the "Big 3" automobiles is because they suck? Why isn't the media concentrating on the fact the "Big 3" makes absolute crap automobiles. I haven't been stupid enough to sink my money into an American-made auto in my adult life.
My piece-of-shit Subaru has put me through the wringer to the tune of about $6,000 in repairs. It's a lemon and certainly doesn't accurately represent Subaru - but we'll take it out of the mix for our purposes here.
I'm not really into doing the math right now, but figure this - I bought my 96 4Runner for 15,000 with 120,000 miles in 2002 and it booked out for 8,500 with 265,000 miles in 2007. It cost me $1,500 in maintenance over that time.
I purchased a 95 Honda Accord w/ 80,000 miles for $11,900 in 2000 and sold it in 2004 for 6,500 with 130,00 miles. It cost me about $1,000 in four years.
Absolutely nothing went wrong with these cars. They just kept going. I never even did the prescribed timing belt for the 4Runner - twice overdue! I don't know anyone who can say the same for the domestic vehicles in the same classes.
That's because domestic vehicles suck! They're ugly, unreliably and are not designed to last more 100,000 miles. Let's not forget performance. They drive like shit, they're less efficient and grossly underpowered. Most of them are uncomfortable and awkward.
The "Big 3" do not deserve the money they're about to get - but they need it. I personally wouldn't be opposed to seeing the government buy those companies, rebuild them and sell them to new owners.
Let's make sure the product stops sucking before it sucks our dollars and economy down with them.

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