That means good bye. It's incredibly difficult to say goodbye to this place - more specifically this trip.
I'll be frankly honest. I miss the hell out of my family, but I'm not at all excited about going back to Gray's Harbor, the worksource, my broken car, cramped house, money shortage, college or any of the other stresses I have in life.
Not wanting to leave here is less a matter of going back to reality or life in Grays Harbor as much as it is all the positive changes happening here for me on this trip and the opportunities I've taken advantage of.
Just like my previous trips here, Thailand has affected me in so many ways. Even with its sex-driven economy, notoriously dirty cities and less-than desired climate, the people and culture of this place are guaranteed to change your outlook on life. And in this case the change is for the better.
I chatted w/ an old buddy this evening about the previous trips to Thailand. Seems everyone wants to come back and I got to. If I came away with nothing else from this trip (which is definitely not the case) I would say I'm gracious to the Navy, people of this wonderful place and whoever else had a role in bringing me back here.
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